Sun in Pisces
This is the last sign of the Zodiac. The 12 constellations were not created all at once. Aries was created first. Its purpose is to be dynamic and an active pioneer. However, Arians are impatient and do not always complete their tasks. The second sign of the Zodiac – Taurus was created to always complete those unfinished tasks, which Arians started. Then the next sign of the Zodiac was created in order to analyse and question what is created and so on. The sign of Pisces was created last. So, what is then the mission of this sign?
The 12 constellations are divided into four elements – fire, air, water and earth. Pisces is a water sign. The first water sign is Cancer. The second one is Scorpio. The third and the most complex one is Pisces. Water signs are emotional and sensitive. This is especially true for Pisces people. Pisces being the third and most complex sign of the water triad is the most difficult to describe and define.
This picture represents in pictorial form almost everything that we can say about this sign with words. You see two fish swimming in opposite directions. This is the symbol of Pisces. The fish are connected through their mouths with a common rope. On the rope we see depicted all 12 signs of the Zodiac. In essence this shows us that the sign of Pisces encompasses within itself all the life lessons, learned through all the other signs of the Zodiac. Each constellation is created, so that people can learn certain life lessons through it and in the last sign of the Zodiac (Pisces) we see a summary of all lessons learnt.
The keywords for Pisces are self-sacrifice, a rich imagination, strong powers of visualisation and high (often spiritual) inspiration. One of the fish thrusts upstream, while the other plunges downstream. This shows us that Pisces is a dual sign, which possess dual characteristics. Some people born with Sun in Pisces swim upstream in the current of life. They are positive and active. The others go with the flow of life and do not fight with life circumstances. These are the kind of escapist, fantasising and wishful thinking type of people.
All Pisceans are interested in arts, music, painting and dance. We have to look at the other areas of the chart, in order to determine if the person will be actively involved in arts, or if he will only be daydreaming and fantasising about it. In other words, the other parts of the astrological chart will help us to determine if this particular person is the “upstream swimming fish” or the “downstream swimming fish” type. For example, a company supervisor orders the Pisces type person to complete 5 work tasks today. He begins working on them, however, when he is halfway through his work, he sees a butterfly flying by. He may stop his work and may watch the butterfly quietly for hours, thus forgetting to complete his work.
The traditional way of escaping reality is through drugs, tobacco and alcohol. But nowadays there are new modern ways to do that, such as video games, mobile phones, VR and so on. In the near future even more sophisticated ways of absconding reality will be invented and implemented. While the other signs of the Zodiac may resist those new temptations (especially the strong Earth types) the Pisceans may find it extremely difficult to stay away from this “new reality”. They may totally immerse themselves in it and for them may become extremely difficult to distinguish what is real and what is not.
We see an old man in the middle of the picture. This is Neptune. He is the ruler of Pisces. The keywords for Neptune are: spiritual, vague, unrealistic, emotional, and deceitful. Thus, people born with Sun in Pisces inherit some of the keywords, connected with its ruler. They can easily live in their own fantasy world. They create various virtual realities for themselves (which are often completely imaginary) and then they will live persistently in this created reality, which makes them very happy. Of course, this is just another method of facing their real day-to-day obligations and responsibilities. Often facing reality hurts them and upsets their beautiful and imaginary world in which they prefer to be totally immersed most of the time.
The same pattern applies to their relationships. When these people fall in love, they will immediately create a very beautiful, but completely false image of their loved ones in their head. Then they start living in their own fantasy world, imagining that their partner is some kind of an idol, an angel-like creature, without any faults, just perfect human being, ready to be worshiped.
Because of this behaviour, these people often put themselves in a completely submissive position. The feel very honoured to be of a service to such god-like partner and are very happy to devote their entire lives to him or to her. However, as time passes by, they begin to realize that their partner is not so perfect after all. They begin to see some very human traits in him and eventually they totally inverse their attitude. From unconditional idolatry they may abruptly switch their behaviour to complete disgust and repulsion. Obviously, both of those behavioural patterns are incorrect and unacceptable. The truth about their partners usually lies somewhere in the middle.
However, Pisces people always look at the world either through rose-coloured glasses or through dark coloured glasses. A third option simply does not exist for them. Thus, they doom their relationship for failure from the very beginning. When we love someone, we must see our partners realistically. If we make the mistake to completely forgive ALL their faults, then we become doormats. But if we go to the other extreme and cannot forgive even a slightest mistake they make, then we are setting up the bar so high, that nobody can ever manage to reach it. Both of those behavioural patterns eventually lead to disaster and crush of the relationship.
Some people born with Sun in Pisces are willing to be with their partners for a very long time, and at all costs. It does not matter to them, if their partners are alcoholics, the violent and abusive type, drug addicts, thieves, criminals and so on. They silently endure abuse and exploitation for many years. They fancifully believe that their unconditional and all-forgiving love will help somehow their partners to stop stealing, stop using drugs or become one day entirely different people. But in reality, this never happens. Such things can only happen in a beautiful imaginary world, which Pisceans create for themselves. And so, they go on like this for years, silently self-sacrificing themselves, while their partner continues to mistreat them and take them for granted.
Almost every astrology book will teach you that Pisces people cannot hurt others. This is only half true. Because Pisces people avoid hurting others at all cost, at the end they hurt them even harder. For example, let’s say that Sun in Pisces person is constantly mistreated by her partner. If she wants to end this situation, she can end the relationship and get out of her misery straight away. The only very important thing she needs to do is to learn how to say “no” and how to stand up for herself.
However, these people refuse to do that. They think that if they say “no” to their partner, they will hurt him/her a lot. Or, they can find another excuse, which persuades them to continue to stay in such a toxic environment. For example, they say to themselves: “I do this for the sake of my children. If I leave my partner, he will not survive this blow and our children will also suffer”. As a result, they continue indefinitely to put up with abuse and maltreatment.
The rope in the picture, which connects the two fish represents horizontal and vertical principles. The simplest explanation is that when the fish goes upstream, it needs some strength to go upstream and forward. This means that such movement is based on certain spiritual development and has creative ability. These people are progressing spiritually. For this type of people, matter and anything material is not very important. The fish swimming downstream symbolises lack of effort, a relaxed state, which actually means that this fish is going backwards (it is regressing in a spiritual sense). Therefore, people of this type are more likely to rely on material desires, material life and fantasy.
If we look at the rope closely, we can see that it is actually composed of many threads. And each line represents a certain kind of restriction on the earth. These could be emotional, material or sexual needs etc. If the threads are twisted continuously around each other, they form a rope. This rope ties the spirit all around in the material plane. The horizontal line is symbolising this principle. The horizon also symbolises the border between two very different worlds. One is the spiritual world above and the other is the material world below.
In other words, the horizontal line connects two different types of fish – spiritual and materialistic. One fish represents the heart and inspiration (spirit), and the other fish represents the giving up of spiritual work and absconding to the flow of life (materialistic life). Ideally, we must find an ideal balance between those two opposing forces. We must put a lot of effort to spiritualise the material earth as much as we can. We must put all our efforts, abilities and talents to spiritualize the Earth as much as possible. If we all do this the Earth will eventually resemble the spiritual world – a real Paradise on Earth. If you want to discover what is the best way for you to personally to do that, please order a personal natal chart. I will be happy to help. You can find more information here.
Each constellation has its own mission and skills. Pisces’ best traits are that they are extremely compassionate and sympathetic people. Their mission is to alleviate human suffering. They “collect human tears”, and then bring those tears and sufferings back to the Creator. This means that when people shed tears, God also suffers and sheds tears. Of course, human sufferings were not created by God. They are created by ourselves, because we do not properly understand the Concept and the Idea of the Creator. All suffering comes from the incorrect understanding of His concepts and ideas and also because we are implementing His ideas in a totally wrong way in life. This perversion of His original ideas leads to all human suffering.
Therefore, the task of the Sun in Pisces people is to be compassionate, to sympathize with the suffering humans around the world, and then to assist them to stand up again and start again. This is actually an extremely difficult task. Of course, in order for the Sun Pisces people to successfully complete this task, God gave those people a great gift, which is the ability to communicate with God directly. However, this gift is exclusive to Pisces only. It cannot be understood by the representatives of the other signs. This is the reason why Pisces people have the reputation of being so vague, dreaming, impractical and inexplicable. They understand God’s idea, but it is not given to them to be able to share it with others. Thus, they go inward in their own world and suffer, because they know that they can never be properly understood.
But how can Pisces people still pass some message from God to the other signs of the Zodiac? The answer is: through art. That’s right. As long as there are paintings, music, dance and other types of art, others signs of the Zodiac can also have a glimpse of God’s will and God’s ideas. Pisces are also great healers. They can heal other people directly (for example by laying hands), or indirectly – through music, paintings or art.
Many Sun in Pisces are very secretive and don’t like to be open or discuss their personal problems with others. On one hand, they rarely have a clear plan of what they really want to do next in life or what their real life purpose is. At the very least, it is very difficult for them to formulate those tasks verbally. However, they are great actors. While they are on stage, they can forget about their own ego and are completely immersed in the ego of some fictional character, where they can show their very best!
Sun in Pisces people appear somewhat languid, they usually suffer from low self-esteem and they create the impression that their ability to achieve their life goals is rather low. But all this is not entirely true. They are just very shy and their methods of life achievement are rather secret and clandestine. Often these people refrain self-analysis. This is because they can easily magnify their own weaknesses or focus too much on them. Thus, they may create for themselves a huge inferiority complex. Consequentially they will feel very bad about it. Because of this, they may choose to abscond from reality and immerse themselves in their own private fantasy world. What I would recommend here is not to focus on their own shortcomings ALL the time. They are better advised to look at their own strengths and good qualities, and then learn how to modify their shortcomings in a gradual manner. In this way, the Sun Pisces people can gradually build more self-confidence over time.
Pisces is a sign, which is famous for telling untruths quite often. They do not do this all the time deliberately. Very often, they simply create some kind of a beautiful and fanciful (but fictional) reality in their mind. Over time, they become so accustomed to it, that they have repeated it in their minds so many times and they begin to believe that it is really true. This is the reason why those people appear to lie so convincingly. They do not always distinguish lies from the truth. As we mentioned, Pisces people hate to hurt others. However, when they deceive others, they are (probably unknowingly) doing exactly that. And often by doing that they create even more harm than if they simply said the truth from the very beginning.
You should start to encourage Pisces children to tell the truth from a very early age! They are characterized by a great imagination and artistic talent. When Pisces children are telling a story, they can tell it beautifully and vividly, in great detail. It is possible though that their story is totally made up. They should be encouraged to develop a hobby and practice their imagination from a very early age. They often show considerable inclination towards all sorts of arts, dance, music and drama.
These children should not be educated in a harsh and stringent way. Such methods will scare them, and may lead to the opposite effect, allowing them to escape reality and hide inside in their own private fantasy world again. The best way to educate them is to talk to them gently, slowly and softly, by placing the emphasis on their rich imagination. You can also need to periodically praise their strengths, which will boost their self-confidence.
Pisces parents will direct a lot of energy to their children. Most likely they will always put their children first. But those Sun in Pisces parents who are unwilling to face reality, may create some serious problems for both themselves and their children. They may abscond providing real solutions to their offsprings’ problems; or they may educate their children in a way, which is divorced from reality. If this happens, the children cannot learn what is true and what is a lie from their parents. Subsequentially, they will start searching for the real answers outside of the family. So over time, the lack of trust between parents and children may become a serious problem. Another thing to avoid is to bestow to the children unlimited love and to allow them to do anything they want. Such “too liberal” parenting creates a lot of problems for the children in a long run. They will be totally lacking any discipline and eventually may become totally unable to care for themselves independently.
Sun in Pisces people like to live in a fantasy world because they can feel stress-free. This means that they are easily exposed to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, video games, and the virtual reality, which the Internet offers. Obviously, such behaviour may negatively impact their health. The best way to overcome this is through sports. Swimming or any other water sports are preferable.
The above text is based on my book “Introduction to Western Astrology”, which is not translated to English. Please note that this is just a general description of all people born with Sun in Pisces. Your personal chart (which is calculated based on your date, place and time of your birth) may be very different in a lot of aspects of what I write about here. Your personal chart will also be much more specific and revealing to you personally. So, if you are interested in your own natal chart, you can order this service from here or you can order a one-on-one consultation with me via Skype.